Ground plates are metal plates that are buried into the ground attached to a #6 copper grounding cable. Plates are typically chosen when ground conditions are unable to accommodate an 8 foot grounding rod. Grounding plates may also be chosen if there are rocky conditions present. These plates serve as lightning protection devices, grounding lightning rod systems, antennas and even electrical panels. Lightning protection devices serve to discharge energy into the ground and away from the systems they serve to protect. In order for these devices to work properly and avoid damage, a proper grounding system is needed to provide a path for that energy to travel. Earth ground resistance must be considered during this installation process; additional electrodes can be installed to reduce resistance if necessary. Ground plates should be installed in an area that is naturally moist or has access to sprinkler systems. It should be approximately 10-25 feet away from the system it is grounding and at least 30 inches deep. Once a hole is dug and the plate is placed, it is imperative that the plate has full contact with the soil. A #6 ground wire will be required for this project to connect the grounding plate to the system that is being grounded.