Mega News for Mega Structures

How does it work?
The TerraStreamer® ESE lightning terminal is a proactive, externally mounted structural lightning protection device. It is designed to activate itself directly before lightning strikes by emitting electromagnetic impulses microseconds before natural lightning streamers occur. TerraStreamer® creates a designated strike point while ensuring a discharge path so your protected structure won’t have to endure the violent strike.
ALLTEC’s TerraStreamer® protects areas and structures that would otherwise be difficult or cost prohibitive by conventional means. Features include easy installation, competitive pricing, and reliable performance. It is encased in high-grade stainless steel for all weather conditions, certified to internationally accepted standards, and offered in a variety of applications. Complete design services are also available.
Have you ever thought about investing in lightning protection for your business but worried that it was physically or financially impossible? ALLTEC’s TerraStreamer® early streamer emission (ESE) terminals provide the structural lightning protection you need at your large facilities. The TerraStreamer® ESE utilizes advanced electronics to cover a protection zone up to a 357 feet radius. It is currently being used in shopping malls, industrial plants, distribution warehouses, sports parks, golf courses, amusement parks, and other large structures and open areas.
If you have an existing or planned facility, be sure to give ALLTEC a call or email.
Since 1991, ALLTEC has installed systems on thousands of commercial, historical, industrial, and residential properties both domestically and internationally. ALLTEC’s continued success is based on its customer satisfaction. They specifically design, engineer and manufacture solutions to each client’s needs, while conforming to application and budgetary necessities. Please contact the US office for more information on their extensive line of lightning protection and grounding installation services.