Do’s and Don’ts
of Lightning Safety
Do crouch low to the ground with as little of your body touching the ground as possible if caught outside without shelter.
Do stay away from concrete floors or walls. Concrete often houses metal wires and bars that lightning can travel through.
Do avoid open areas. You want to avoid being the tallest object in the area.
Do spread out if with a group of people. This decreases the chance of multiple casualties.
Do pay attention to the weather. If able, head indoors when lightning seems imminent.
Do stay in a safe location for 30 minutes past the last rumble of thunder you can hear.
Don’t wash dishes or take a bath/shower. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity.
Don’t lie on the ground to avoid lightning. If lightning strikes nearby, you want as little of your body to come in contact with the ground current.
Don’t ignore thunder. If you can hear it, you are in danger. Lightning often strikes as far as 10 miles away from a storms heavy rainfall.
Don’t use electrical equipment or corded phones during an electrical storm.
Don’t swim or participate in water sports during thunderstorms. Head inside until it is safe.