
Proteja las grandes instalaciones de los rayos

Mega News for Mega Structures How does it work? The TerraStreamer® ESE lightning terminal is a proactive, externally mounted structural lightning protection device. It is designed to activate itself directly before lightning strikes by emitting electromagnetic impulses [...]

¿Qué es un transitorio eléctrico?

Electrical transients are momentary bursts of energy induced upon power, data, or communication lines. They are characterized by extremely high voltages that drive tremendous amounts of current into an electrical circuit for a few millionths, up to a few thousandths, [...]

Protección de los sistemas AWOS de los aeropuertos de daños relacionados con rayos

Beginning in 2018, Alltec surveyed 29 AWOS sites in the state of South Carolina for goal-oriented grounding systems and lightning protection. Alltec was awarded the honor of being the sole source provider of enhanced grounding systems to the SC [...]

Una ventanilla única para todas sus necesidades de protección solar

Solar farms are wide-open unobstructed areas of conductive material. It’s no surprise that they are highly susceptible to lightning strikes. Direct strikes may be relatively rare, depending upon a facility’s size and location, so most damage is usually sustained [...]

Protección de cámaras de seguridad y equipos de radiocomunicación

ALLTEC has developed the best lightning protection system for security camera pods and radio/signaling communications equipment through their cooperation with a US rail transportation company and a wireless provider. ALLTEC was invited to investigate one rail site after [...]

Encuesta de protección contra rayos para sitios de radar Radome

ALLTEC was contracted to perform a lighting protection study of several AN/FPS-117 and AN/FPS-124 radar sites part of the American Canadian North Warning System. Because these radar systems are predominately located in northern latitudes, they have unique environmental conditions [...]

No es solo una varilla de Franklin

Lightning rods are also known as an air terminal, lightning conductor, finial, and strike termination device provides a conductive path to ground. Charge dissipation terminal -- or charge redistribution terminal -- uses point discharge to reduce static charge [...]

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