
Una ventanilla única para todas sus necesidades de protección solar

Solar farms are wide-open unobstructed areas of conductive material. It’s no surprise that they are highly susceptible to lightning strikes. Direct strikes may be relatively rare, depending upon a facility’s size and location, so most damage is usually sustained [...]

Protección de cámaras de seguridad y equipos de radiocomunicación

ALLTEC has developed the best lightning protection system for security camera pods and radio/signaling communications equipment through their cooperation with a US rail transportation company and a wireless provider. ALLTEC was invited to investigate one rail site after [...]

No es solo una varilla de Franklin

Lightning rods are also known as an air terminal, lightning conductor, finial, and strike termination device provides a conductive path to ground. Charge dissipation terminal -- or charge redistribution terminal -- uses point discharge to reduce static charge [...]

Minimizar los riesgos para las instalaciones satelitales

The goal for ground-based satellite audio and video services is to be online 24/7. Any unplanned service interruption or equipment breakdown has a negative impact on customer satisfaction, industry revenue, and profit margins. Industry professionals generally accept that [...]

Protección avanzada contra rayos para la industria del petróleo y el gas

Petrochemical transportation, refinery, and storage facilities are some of the largest and most sophisticated structures to protect from lightning. Presently, you need to do more than directing lightning strikes to earth. Human, material, and technical resources are at risk [...]

Aplicaciones de control de tráfico

ALLTEC Solutions for Traffic Control Applications Traffic control sites often experience damage to electronic systems during thunderstorm activity. Various approaches towards external and internal grounding and surge protection are usually experimented with at one time or another [...]

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