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Proteja su VFD con los productos DynaShield® SPD

¿Su variador de frecuencia ha sufrido daños o no funciona como se esperaba? ¿Se enfrenta a reparaciones costosas o pérdida de uso? Estableciendo un nuevo estándar de excelencia en la industria,

Evaluación del sistema de puesta a tierra y protección contra rayos para almacenamiento de plástico reforzado con fibra de vidrio (FRP)

There has been a rapidly growing trend for petroleum, water/wastewater and chemical industries to utilize Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) storage tanks. FRP storage tanks are typical for these industries due to their non-corrosive properties as compared to standard metal [...]

Aplicaciones de control de tráfico

ALLTEC Solutions for Traffic Control Applications Traffic control sites often experience damage to electronic systems during thunderstorm activity. Various approaches towards external and internal grounding and surge protection are usually experimented with at one time or another [...]

Protección de variadores de frecuencia

Protecting Variable Frequency Drives with Surge Protection Devices (SPDs) Sophisticated and highly susceptible microprocessor-based electronics and data communication networks are integrated across every sector of today's fast-paced business world. Preserving these mission-critical systems from the damages of surges, spikes, and [...]

La aprobación de su solicitud de patente de Estados Unidos.

Alltec is pleased to announce the approval of its United States Patent Application for the TerraStreamer® Early Streamer Emission Terminal. Alltec's TerraStreamer® product line is a lightweight and low wind loading Early Streamer Emission (ESE) System dedicated to providing a safe and efficient manner of controlling dangerous lightning energy before it damages structures or their important contents, including human occupants.


Adhesión permanente con resultados óptimos

Alltec presenta el sistema de soldadura exotérmica TerraWeld® recientemente rediseñado. TerraWeld® proporciona un enlace molecular permanente superior y es el método universalmente preferido para realizar conexiones eléctricas de cobre a cobre y de cobre a acero. Es una conexión simple, rentable y duradera que utiliza una reacción exotérmica de alta temperatura.

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